In the Range = Buy at 109.5 StopLoss below 109.2 Target -110.2 - 110.7 - 110.9
In the Range = Sell at 111.2 StopLoss above 111.5 Target 110.5 - 110.0 - 109.8
If BreakOut = Buy at 111.5 StopLoss below 110.9 Target 112.4 - 113.0
If BreakOut = Sell at 109.2 StopLoss above 109.8 Target 108.3 - 107.7
In the Range = Buy at 423.0 StopLoss below 422.1 Target -425.0 - 426.7 - 427.3
In the Range = Sell at 428.1 StopLoss above 429.0 Target 426.1 - 424.4 - 423.8
If BreakOut = Buy at 429.0 StopLoss below 427.3 Target 431.8 - 433.5
If BreakOut = Sell at 422.1 StopLoss above 423.8 Target 419.3 - 417.6
In the Range = Buy at 4917 StopLoss below 4908 Target -4939 - 4957 - 4963
In the Range = Sell at 4972 StopLoss above 4982 Target 4951 - 4932 - 4926
If BreakOut = Buy at 4982 StopLoss below 4963 Target 5010 - 5028
If BreakOut = Sell at 4908 StopLoss above 4927 Target 4879 - 4861
In the Range = Buy at 27749 StopLoss below 27679 Target -27910 - 28049 - 28095
In the Range = Sell at 28164 StopLoss above 28234 Target 28003 - 27864 - 27818
If BreakOut = Buy at 28234 StopLoss below 28095 Target 28458 - 28597
If BreakOut = Sell at 27679 StopLoss above 27818 Target 27455 - 27316
In the Range = Buy at 110.5 StopLoss below 110.1 Target -111.4 - 112.2 - 112.4
In the Range = Sell at 112.8 StopLoss above 113.2 Target 111.9 - 111.1 - 110.9
If BreakOut = Buy at 113.2 StopLoss below 112.4 Target 114.5 - 115.3
If BreakOut = Sell at 110.1 StopLoss above 110.9 Target 108.8 - 108.0
In the Range = Buy at 132.1 StopLoss below 131.1 Target -134.3 - 136.2 - 136.8
In the Range = Sell at 137.7 StopLoss above 138.7 Target 135.5 - 133.6 - 133.0
If BreakOut = Buy at 138.7 StopLoss below 136.8 Target 141.8 - 143.7
If BreakOut = Sell at 131.1 StopLoss above 133.0 Target 128.0 - 126.1
In the Range = Buy at 1058.1 StopLoss below 1055.1 Target -1064.9 - 1070.8 - 1072.8
In the Range = Sell at 1075.7 StopLoss above 1078.7 Target 1068.9 - 1063.0 - 1061.0
If BreakOut = Buy at 1078.7 StopLoss below 1072.8 Target 1088.2 - 1094.1
If BreakOut = Sell at 1055.1 StopLoss above 1061.0 Target 1045.6 - 1039.7
In the Range = Buy at 56825 StopLoss below 56712 Target -57089 - 57315 - 57391
In the Range = Sell at 57504 StopLoss above 57617 Target 57240 - 57014 - 56938
If BreakOut = Buy at 57617 StopLoss below 57391 Target 57983 - 58210
If BreakOut = Sell at 56712 StopLoss above 56938 Target 56346 - 56119
In the Range = Buy at 104.1 StopLoss below 103.7 Target -105.2 - 106.2 - 106.5
In the Range = Sell at 107.0 StopLoss above 107.4 Target 105.9 - 104.9 - 104.6
If BreakOut = Buy at 107.4 StopLoss below 106.5 Target 108.9 - 109.9
If BreakOut = Sell at 103.7 StopLoss above 104.6 Target 102.2 - 101.2
>>--- Focus ComTrendz ---<<
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