The Basic Golden Rules of Trading ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------Always be a disciplined trader. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------Price is what you pay. Value is what you get. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------Never trade on news or rumors, always follow the levels, remember, news does not make levels, it just triggers levels. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------Never ever enter a trade where the risk to reward ratio is less than 1:4. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------Never get panicked or exited by the happenings on the screen, stick to the levels and stop loss, else you’ll always end up loser. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------80-20 rule→Always remember 80% of the profit from trading will come only from 20% of your trades. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------Be consistent and systemic→A trader has to be systemic and consistent in his trading. Only a consistent trader can make most out of the available opportunities. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------No prediction→One can never know in advance which of his trade will end in a loss or profit. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------Follow the trend→Always follow the trend. Follow the price and never ever expect market to follow you. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------Big profits & losses (a part of trading)→Hold your profit making trade till your trailing stop loss hit. Same way, Enter in your trade with proper stop loss and close your trade when ever your stop loss hits.------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Live Comex Commodity Market

The Commodity Prices Powered by Focus ComTrendz - The Financial & Research Portal.

NSE Live HeatMap

02 February 2012

MCX IntraDay Trend - 02Feb2012

Focus ComTrendz
>>--< FCT >--<<

PCP :  111.250
Daily Trend

Support : 110.7
Short BreakOut : 110.1
Trgt : 109.2 - 108.6
Resistance : 111.8
Long BreakOut : 112.4
Trgt : 113.3 - 113.9

Expected Range
110 -  112

PCP :  111.300
Daily Trend

Support : 110.7
Short BreakOut : 110.1
Trgt : 109.2 - 108.6
Resistance : 111.9
Long BreakOut : 112.5
Trgt : 113.4 - 114.0

Expected Range
110 -  112

PCP :  418.700
Daily Trend

Support : 417.2
Short BreakOut : 415.6
Trgt : 413.2 - 411.7
Resistance : 420.2
Long BreakOut : 421.8
Trgt : 424.2 - 425.7

Expected Range
416 -  422

PCP :  418.700
Daily Trend

Support : 417.2
Short BreakOut : 415.7
Trgt : 413.3 - 411.8
Resistance : 420.2
Long BreakOut : 421.7
Trgt : 424.1 - 425.6

Expected Range
416 -  422

PCP : 4,861.000
Daily Trend

Support : 4840
Short BreakOut : 4819
Trgt : 4785 - 4764
Resistance : 4881
Long BreakOut : 4903
Trgt : 4936 - 4957

Expected Range
4820 -  4896

PCP : 28,419.000
Daily Trend

Support : 28365
Short BreakOut : 28310
Trgt : 28225 - 28171
Resistance : 28472
Long BreakOut : 28530
Trgt : 28613 - 28666

Expected Range
28303 -  28498

PCP : 28,255.000
Daily Trend

Support : 28209
Short BreakOut : 28160
Trgt : 28090 - 28045
Resistance : 28300
Long BreakOut : 28350
Trgt : 28419 - 28464

Expected Range
28155 -  28320

PCP :  109.850
Daily Trend

Support : 109.3
Short BreakOut : 108.7
Trgt : 107.8 - 107.2
Resistance : 110.4
Long BreakOut : 111.0
Trgt : 111.9 - 112.5

Expected Range
109 -  111

PCP :  109.850
Daily Trend

Support : 109.2
Short BreakOut : 108.6
Trgt : 107.7 - 107.1
Resistance : 110.5
Long BreakOut : 111.1
Trgt : 112.0 - 112.6

Expected Range
109 -  111

PCP :  119.500
Daily Trend

Support : 117.7
Short BreakOut : 115.9
Trgt : 112.9 - 111.1
Resistance : 121.3
Long BreakOut : 123.1
Trgt : 126.1 - 127.9

Expected Range
115 -  122

PCP : 1,042.700
Daily Trend

Support : 1037.1
Short BreakOut : 1031.5
Trgt : 1022.4 - 1016.8
Resistance : 1048.3
Long BreakOut : 1053.9
Trgt : 1063.0 - 1068.6

Expected Range
1033 -  1054

PCP : 1,042.600
Daily Trend

Support : 1037.0
Short BreakOut : 1031.4
Trgt : 1022.4 - 1016.8
Resistance : 1048.2
Long BreakOut : 1053.8
Trgt : 1062.8 - 1068.4

Expected Range
1033 -  1053

PCP : 56,834.000
Daily Trend

Support : 56610
Short BreakOut : 56385
Trgt : 56026 - 55802
Resistance : 57057
Long BreakOut : 57285
Trgt : 57641 - 57865

Expected Range
56595 -  57407

PCP : 56,839.000
Daily Trend

Support : 56619
Short BreakOut : 56400
Trgt : 56046 - 55826
Resistance : 57058
Long BreakOut : 57280
Trgt : 57632 - 57851

Expected Range
56605 -  57402

PCP :  104.700
Daily Trend

Support : 104.1
Short BreakOut : 103.4
Trgt : 102.4 - 101.8
Resistance : 105.3
Long BreakOut : 106.0
Trgt : 107.0 - 107.6

Expected Range
104 -  106

PCP :  104.750
Daily Trend

Support : 104.1
Short BreakOut : 103.5
Trgt : 102.5 - 101.8
Resistance : 105.4
Long BreakOut : 106.0
Trgt : 107.0 - 107.7

Expected Range
104 -  106

>>--- Follow the Trend --- Trend is your Friend ---<<

In the Range = Buy around 110.4 StopLoss below 110.1 for Target -111.1 - 111.6 - 111.8
In the Range = Sell around 112.1 StopLoss above 112.4 for Target 111.4 - 110.9 - 110.7

If BreakOut = Buy around 112.4 StopLoss below 111.8 for Target 113.3 - 113.9
If BreakOut = Sell around 110.1 StopLoss above 110.7 for Target 109.2 - 108.6

In the Range = Buy around 110.4 StopLoss below 110.1 for Target -111.1 - 111.7 - 111.9
In the Range = Sell around 112.2 StopLoss above 112.5 for Target 111.5 - 110.9 - 110.7

If BreakOut = Buy around 112.5 StopLoss below 111.9 for Target 113.4 - 114.0
If BreakOut = Sell around 110.1 StopLoss above 110.7 for Target 109.2 - 108.6

In the Range = Buy around 416.4 StopLoss below 415.6 for Target -418.2 - 419.7 - 420.2
In the Range = Sell around 421.0 StopLoss above 421.8 for Target 419.2 - 417.7 - 417.2

If BreakOut = Buy around 421.8 StopLoss below 420.2 for Target 424.2 - 425.7
If BreakOut = Sell around 415.6 StopLoss above 417.2 for Target 413.2 - 411.7

In the Range = Buy around 416.5 StopLoss below 415.7 for Target -418.2 - 419.7 - 420.2
In the Range = Sell around 420.9 StopLoss above 421.7 for Target 419.2 - 417.7 - 417.2

If BreakOut = Buy around 421.7 StopLoss below 420.2 for Target 424.1 - 425.6
If BreakOut = Sell around 415.7 StopLoss above 417.2 for Target 413.3 - 411.8

In the Range = Buy around 4829 StopLoss below 4819 for Target -4854 - 4874 - 4881
In the Range = Sell around 4892 StopLoss above 4903 for Target 4868 - 4847 - 4840

If BreakOut = Buy around 4902 StopLoss below 4881 for Target 4936 - 4957
If BreakOut = Sell around 4819 StopLoss above 4840 for Target 4785 - 4764

In the Range
Buy around 28338 StopLoss below 28310 for Target -28401 - 28454 - 28472

Sell around 28499 StopLoss above 28530 for Target 28436 - 28383 - 28365

If BreakOut
Buy around 28526 StopLoss below 28470 for Target 28613 - 28666.
Sell around 28311 StopLoss above 28370 for Target 28225 - 28171

In the Range = Buy around 28186 StopLoss below 28160 for Target -28239 - 28285 - 28300
In the Range = Sell around 28323 StopLoss above 28350 for Target 28270 - 28224 - 28209

If BreakOut = Buy around 28345 StopLoss below 28300 for Target 28419 - 28464
If BreakOut = Sell around 28164 StopLoss above 28210 for Target 28090 - 28045

In the Range = Buy around 109.0 StopLoss below 108.7 for Target -109.7 - 110.2 - 110.4
In the Range = Sell around 110.7 StopLoss above 111.0 for Target 110.0 - 109.5 - 109.3

If BreakOut = Buy around 111.0 StopLoss below 110.4 for Target 111.9 - 112.5
If BreakOut = Sell around 108.7 StopLoss above 109.3 for Target 107.8 - 107.2

In the Range = Buy around 108.9 StopLoss below 108.6 for Target -109.6 - 110.3 - 110.5
In the Range = Sell around 110.8 StopLoss above 111.1 for Target 110.1 - 109.4 - 109.2

If BreakOut = Buy around 111.1 StopLoss below 110.5 for Target 112.0 - 112.6
If BreakOut = Sell around 108.6 StopLoss above 109.2 for Target 107.7 - 107.1

In the Range = Buy around 116.8 StopLoss below 115.9 for Target -118.9 - 120.7 - 121.3
In the Range = Sell around 122.2 StopLoss above 123.1 for Target 120.1 - 118.3 - 117.7

If BreakOut = Buy around 123.1 StopLoss below 121.3 for Target 126.1 - 127.9
If BreakOut = Sell around 115.9 StopLoss above 117.7 for Target 112.9 - 111.1

In the Range = Buy around 1034.3 StopLoss below 1031.5 for Target -1040.8 - 1046.4 - 1048.3
In the Range = Sell around 1051.1 StopLoss above 1053.9 for Target 1044.6 - 1039.0 - 1037.1

If BreakOut = Buy around 1053.9 StopLoss below 1048.3 for Target 1063.0 - 1068.6
If BreakOut = Sell around 1031.5 StopLoss above 1037.1 for Target 1022.4 - 1016.8

In the Range = Buy around 1034.2 StopLoss below 1031.4 for Target -1040.7 - 1046.3 - 1048.2
In the Range = Sell around 1051.0 StopLoss above 1053.8 for Target 1044.5 - 1038.9 - 1037.0

If BreakOut = Buy around 1053.8 StopLoss below 1048.2 for Target 1062.8 - 1068.4
If BreakOut = Sell around 1031.4 StopLoss above 1037.0 for Target 1022.4 - 1016.8

In the Range = Buy around 56499 StopLoss below 56385 for Target -56759 - 56982 - 57057
In the Range = Sell around 57169 StopLoss above 57285 for Target 56908 - 56685 - 56610

If BreakOut = Buy around 57280 StopLoss below 57055 for Target 57641 - 57865
If BreakOut = Sell around 56387 StopLoss above 56615 for Target 56026 - 55802

In the Range = Buy around 56510 StopLoss below 56400 for Target -56765 - 56985 - 57058
In the Range = Sell around 57167 StopLoss above 57280 for Target 56912 - 56692 - 56619

If BreakOut = Buy around 57277 StopLoss below 57055 for Target 57632 - 57851
If BreakOut = Sell around 56400 StopLoss above 56620 for Target 56046 - 55826

In the Range = Buy around 103.8 StopLoss below 103.4 for Target -104.5 - 105.1 - 105.3
In the Range = Sell around 105.6 StopLoss above 106.0 for Target 104.9 - 104.3 - 104.1

If BreakOut = Buy around 106.0 StopLoss below 105.3 for Target 107.0 - 107.6
If BreakOut = Sell around 103.4 StopLoss above 104.1 for Target 102.4 - 101.8

In the Range = Buy around 103.8 StopLoss below 103.5 for Target -104.5 - 105.2 - 105.4
In the Range = Sell around 105.7 StopLoss above 106.0 for Target 105.0 - 104.3 - 104.1

If BreakOut = Buy around 106.0 StopLoss below 105.4 for Target 107.0 - 107.7
If BreakOut = Sell around 103.5 StopLoss above 104.1 for Target 102.5 - 101.8

>>--- Focus ComTrendz ---<<

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