The Basic Golden Rules of Trading ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------Always be a disciplined trader. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------Price is what you pay. Value is what you get. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------Never trade on news or rumors, always follow the levels, remember, news does not make levels, it just triggers levels. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------Never ever enter a trade where the risk to reward ratio is less than 1:4. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------Never get panicked or exited by the happenings on the screen, stick to the levels and stop loss, else you’ll always end up loser. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------80-20 rule→Always remember 80% of the profit from trading will come only from 20% of your trades. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------Be consistent and systemic→A trader has to be systemic and consistent in his trading. Only a consistent trader can make most out of the available opportunities. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------No prediction→One can never know in advance which of his trade will end in a loss or profit. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------Follow the trend→Always follow the trend. Follow the price and never ever expect market to follow you. ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------Big profits & losses (a part of trading)→Hold your profit making trade till your trailing stop loss hit. Same way, Enter in your trade with proper stop loss and close your trade when ever your stop loss hits.------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

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30 January 2012

MCX Intraday Call - 30Jan2012


In the Range = Buy at 109.5 StopLoss below 109.2 Target -110.2 - 110.7 - 110.9

In the Range = Sell at 111.2 StopLoss above 111.5 Target 110.5 - 110.0 - 109.8

If BreakOut = Buy at 111.5 StopLoss below 110.9 Target 112.4 - 113.0

If BreakOut = Sell at 109.2 StopLoss above 109.8 Target 108.3 - 107.7

In the Range = Buy at 423.0 StopLoss below 422.1 Target -425.0 - 426.7 - 427.3

In the Range = Sell at 428.1 StopLoss above 429.0 Target 426.1 - 424.4 - 423.8

If BreakOut = Buy at 429.0 StopLoss below 427.3 Target 431.8 - 433.5

If BreakOut = Sell at 422.1 StopLoss above 423.8 Target 419.3 - 417.6

In the Range = Buy at 4917 StopLoss below 4908 Target -4939 - 4957 - 4963

In the Range = Sell at 4972 StopLoss above 4982 Target 4951 - 4932 - 4926

If BreakOut = Buy at 4982 StopLoss below 4963 Target 5010 - 5028

If BreakOut = Sell at 4908 StopLoss above 4927 Target 4879 - 4861

In the Range = Buy at 27749 StopLoss below 27679 Target -27910 - 28049 - 28095

In the Range = Sell at 28164 StopLoss above 28234 Target 28003 - 27864 - 27818

If BreakOut = Buy at 28234 StopLoss below 28095 Target 28458 - 28597

If BreakOut = Sell at 27679 StopLoss above 27818 Target 27455 - 27316

In the Range = Buy at 110.5 StopLoss below 110.1 Target -111.4 - 112.2 - 112.4

In the Range = Sell at 112.8 StopLoss above 113.2 Target 111.9 - 111.1 - 110.9

If BreakOut = Buy at 113.2 StopLoss below 112.4 Target 114.5 - 115.3

If BreakOut = Sell at 110.1 StopLoss above 110.9 Target 108.8 - 108.0

In the Range = Buy at 132.1 StopLoss below 131.1 Target -134.3 - 136.2 - 136.8

In the Range = Sell at 137.7 StopLoss above 138.7 Target 135.5 - 133.6 - 133.0

If BreakOut = Buy at 138.7 StopLoss below 136.8 Target 141.8 - 143.7

If BreakOut = Sell at 131.1 StopLoss above 133.0 Target 128.0 - 126.1

In the Range = Buy at 1058.1 StopLoss below 1055.1 Target -1064.9 - 1070.8 - 1072.8

In the Range = Sell at 1075.7 StopLoss above 1078.7 Target 1068.9 - 1063.0 - 1061.0

If BreakOut = Buy at 1078.7 StopLoss below 1072.8 Target 1088.2 - 1094.1

If BreakOut = Sell at 1055.1 StopLoss above 1061.0 Target 1045.6 - 1039.7

In the Range = Buy at 56825 StopLoss below 56712 Target -57089 - 57315 - 57391

In the Range = Sell at 57504 StopLoss above 57617 Target 57240 - 57014 - 56938

If BreakOut = Buy at 57617 StopLoss below 57391 Target 57983 - 58210

If BreakOut = Sell at 56712 StopLoss above 56938 Target 56346 - 56119

In the Range = Buy at 104.1 StopLoss below 103.7 Target -105.2 - 106.2 - 106.5

In the Range = Sell at 107.0 StopLoss above 107.4 Target 105.9 - 104.9 - 104.6

If BreakOut = Buy at 107.4 StopLoss below 106.5 Target 108.9 - 109.9

If BreakOut = Sell at 103.7 StopLoss above 104.6 Target 102.2 - 101.2

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